Every year, I intend to ride in it.
Every year, I forget about it until the bikes are actually passing our home, when we are already busy for the day and it is "too late" to join the parade.
Every year, after we watch all the cool bikes with people in costumes pass, I think to myself, "I should have at least taken photos! That was cool!"
. . . . .
This year, we were home during the parade and I remembered to take photos! Not only that, but LegalMist's daughter's friend and her mom rode by, and LegalMist's daughter begged LegalMist, and was allowed, to join the parade!
Next year, I'm going to remember to ride in the darn thing!!
Here are some photos from this year's parade:
footnotes (because I'm a lawyer and we love them):
fn1: The Tour de Fat is an annual bike parade event that is held in several different cities on different dates. It is sponsored by the New Belgium Brewing Company (which makes "Fat Tire" beer, among other varieties). Here is a link to the Tour de Fat Web site. There are still two parades left this year. Tomorrow, there is one in Los Angeles, California. Next weekend, there is one in Austin, Texas. Check it out and ride along if you can!
what is up with the people dressed like bananas?
They're not bananas. Yellow is the new white for the KKK.
Infinities of love,
Jaime: haven't you heard the banana song? (My kids sing it all the time....)
Lola: no, no, no, not the KKK, the CCC (Chiquita Corporate Conglomerate)!
(because I'm a lawyer and we love them)
So that's why people hate lawyers?
Suzy - only one of the very many reasons people hate lawyers! I've written several posts on this topic...
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