Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

To all the great Dads, Step-Dads, in loco parentis individuals who act like Dads even though you're not biologically or by-marriage related to a particular child, and anyone else who is simply a fantastic male role model or otherwise a good male presence in a kid's life out there in blogger-land:

I hope you had a wonderful Father's Day!

And here, I want to give a shout-out to four bloggers who I think, from reading their blogs over the past several years, are shining examples of good fatherhood:

Johnny Yen
Kim Ayres (the Bearded One)

If you have time, check out their blogs!

And please forgive me if you're in the "great dad" category and I didn't mention you specifically.  This somewhat belated Happy Father's Day wish IS DEFINITELY for you, too.  :)


Kim Ayres said...

Thanks for the shout out - much appreciated :)

btw, Ayres is spelled Ayres, not Ayers... ;)

Scope said...

Thank you. I try. When in doubt, I think, "What would her biological father do?"

And then do the opposite!

But seriously, just lead with love, and you'll usually be okay.

Janie Junebug said...

That's very nice.


LegalMist said...

Kim, I'm so sorry for the late night typo!! I'm fixing that right now.

Scope, you are right about that "leading with love" thing!

Janie, thanks for stopping by. When I do my Mother's Day list you'll be on it for sure. :)

SkylersDad said...

You are too kind! Thank you very much for the compliment.