Monday, August 17, 2009

Happy News

Sorry to be gone so long, y'all. Things have been a little busy. We've been hiking, canoeing, and suffering from food poisoning at a fast food restaurant. We had kids starting at two different schools (one of which notified us two days before orientation that LegalMist's daughter was "in," and needed a uniform by Thursday, thereby necessitating an emergency shopping trip), with all the orientations and meet-the-teacher nights that entails.

And - the huge news - I got hired as an adjunct professor at a Law School here in Arizona! It's a part-time gig, teaching one course only, but should be a lot of fun (as well as a lot of work). And so I've been busy learning all about the school's policies and procedures for everything from tracking student attendance and grading to where to park when I show up to teach and how to use the school's computer and email system.

I'll be back with some fun stories soon.

I'll also be back around commenting and enjoying your blogs really soon, too.

So stick around, the best is yet to come!


SkylersDad said...

Congrats on the new job and the school situation!

Green said...

Cool, congrats on your new jobby job! Beware of okay? Can't wait to read all your fun student stories.

Jo ~ said...

wonderful news about the teaching job! we'll stayed tuned.

Unknown said...

Absolutely congrats on the new job!

Watch for my post next Monday as I'm having a super giveaway... with a twist!

Laura @ My Thoughts-Uninterrupted said...

Congrats! Sounds like there are lots of fun stories to come!

Whiskeymarie said...

That's great- congrats! I can't wait to hear how it goes...

Raine said...

Congrats!! I love hearing teacher's stories! Cant wait

Gertrude Groggins - said...

That's awesome! Congratulations!

Kim Ayres said...


Jo ~ said...

hey, thanks for dropping over!

I know that A & E series story about that food hoarder Jill was outrageously scary. Bless her heart, one has to wonder if she will change.