Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thank You ... Yes, You!

Some of my favorite blogs and bloggers have been disappearing lately.

Some of them just quit showing up, but their blogs remain intact, sort of suspended in time, and I have no idea whether they are alive and enjoying life too much to keep blogging, or whether something tragic has happened....

Some blog less and less frequently, and I check less and less often for new posts, eventually concluding they simply aren't coming back...

Others announce their intentions to quit blogging and either leave their blog intact or take it down....

Other blogs have simply disappeared, without warning.... I click on the link to their blog one day, and it's just gone.

It makes me sad when I realize a fellow blogger has disappeared from my little blogger world.

Do you do this, too? Get sad when a blogger, a voice you've grown accustomed to, quits? I feel sad when I don't get a chance to say goodbye, good luck, have a nice life...

It's not like we're friends in "real life." They certainly don't owe me anything, not even a decent goodbye. But I get used to stopping in every week or two, dropping a comment here or there, seeing a comment from them occasionally on my blog. I enjoy their unique voices and perspectives.

I miss them when they're gone.

So -- I offer a big thank you to those of you who have stuck around, who blog for me (I know, you don't really blog for me, but just let me pretend, ok?) so I have an interesting story to read when I'm bored, something funny to read when I'm down, a new perspective to consider when I want to be challenged, or just a voice in the blogosphere, reassuring me that I'm not alone in this crazy journey through life, that we all face challenges, that there are fun times to be had, that there is good music and good art out there, that there are shared experiences, that there are dedicated people in all professions - engineers, secretaries, waiters, business owners, artists, teachers, nurses, dentists, cab drivers, homemakers, and yes, even lawyers - who make the world a better place because they are in it.

(Wow, can I win the Faulkner prize for longest sentence written today?)

Yes, I have "real life" friends who fill these roles, too, but they are sometimes at work or out of town or otherwise unavailable when I'm bored or sad or feeling philosophical. The beauty of the blogosphere is that it is always there. I can read what you wrote three weeks ago and enjoy it just as much today, when I need a laugh or a thought-provoking rant or an entertaining story.

If I haven't said it to you on your blog lately, I hope you know I mean *you* when you read it here on my blog: Thanks for being there, fellow bloggers. You really make my day!


Green said...

That was really sweet. I stop blogging when I only have things to say that I've already blogged about. Nobody wants to read the same written panic attack twice. I have jury duty later this month, and my parents are coming to visit in a few weeks. I assume there'll be lots to say about that.

Verdant Earl said...

I blog for you.

Just for you.


SkylersDad said...

My blog is written by the 3 other people who live in my head with me, and one of them blogs just for you!

Scope said...

I know I've been slacking on posting recently, so I try to make up for it by commenting.

A few weekes ago, I tried contacting a few ex-bloggers to see what they were up to, and was going to do a "Catching Up With..." series, but then only heard back from one of them.

Silliyak said...

Back at ya,

Judi said...

I really appreciated this post. Like you, I notice when bloggers have sort of vanished and miss them. And yet, ironically, I've kind of done that, too. I've just been feeling trapped under something heavy but you've reminded me to keep putting it out there. Anyway, thanks for the post, for the reminder and for blogging for all of us! Wait, you mean, you don't blog for me? Well, just let me pretend, ok? :)

thenerdqueen said...

Totally true - most people stop blogging after it becomes less fun and more work (or their need for therapy is eliminated). Thanks for your post to keep those of us still in the game going. (I suspect there will be an influx of posts for the next few days on blogs - and those posts WILL be for you).

Kim Ayres said...

After more than 5 years of blogging, I've seen many a fine blog just wither away. There are some who I still nudge every now and then, just in the vague hope.

I know my blog posts have slowed down this years. I'm averaging about 6 or 7 posts a month whereas it used to be 10 or 11

Unknown said...

I miss those that I truly loved but I understand that we all blog for different reasons and sometimes, those reasons change or disappear altogether.

Raine said...

You make my day too <3

Jan @ Struck by Serendipity said...

Ah yes...the disappearing act! Thankfully most of the disappearing bloggers I got to know are on Facebook.

Mr. Condescending said...

I hate it when bloggers delete their blogs!

I'm still around by the way, and it's nice nice to know you're still here :P

Janie Junebug said...

I, too, blog for you and only you because you are the one person who comments on my writing and besides I only have five followers so I might as well write for you. Actually, I have cut back on my blogging because it's my therapy and I'm not quite as miserable as I used to be. I'm just severely depressed and anxiety-ridden rather than suicidal and crawling on the floor looking for my cyanide because it takes too much effort to stand up. La di da la di da la di da da da

Infinities of love,

Anonymous said...

Well, for what's worth, I'm back. :P

(Formerly Melly from A Lovely Life)

Gwen said...

I'm late to the party because I don'y have much time anymore to comment but I saved this one so that I could come back and say "Backatcha!" when I had time. Today is that day. Thank YOU for sticking around and always being there!

Jo ~ said...

I know I've been MIA lately, but I never lose sight of my "blog friends" and come back at some point to read and catch up with them. With Bella my responsibility full-time now and working full-time it takes it out of ya, esp if you're 50'ish!